Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Lost in Translation

The instructor and the translator of the School for Creative Thinker Level 1Workshop were Mr Anatoly Guin and Dr. Barkan Mark. Anatoly is the Vice President on School Education of the International TRIZ Association. He is the founder and Chief Scientist of "Education for a New Era". As Anatoly is not well-versed in English, Dr. Barkan Mark, the President of "Education for a New Era" became his translator (Russian-English) and interpreter during the workshop.

I wish I could understand Russian so that I would not feel like missing something from what Mr. Anatoly said. As Dr. Mark Barkan is playing dual roles--as an instructor and the translator for Anatoly, I was confused whether what had been said by Dr. Mark Barkan was his own idea or translated idea. Also, if I could understand, I should be able to learn more from Mr. Anatoly because after comparing the workshop materials with the actual presentation slides he delivered, there are quite a lot of the materials left for self-exploration.

Of course, if Anatoly could conduct the workshop in English or if the participants could under Russian well enough to comprehend the contents, the interactivity and authenticity of learning would be greatly enhanced.

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