Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Grooming UPSI graduates to become successful Edupreneur

I am attending the MTDC Technology Commercialization Conference now. One key idea I gained is grooming UPSI graduates to become successful education entrepreneur, a.k.a. Edupreneur.

Students in UPSI are generally talented in matters they're interested in, whether those matters are related to their study or not. If these talents are well channeled and groomed, the students could become successful edupreneurs, i.e. by integrating their talents with pedagogical knowledge and skills to produce sellable educational creative contents. The talents that I have identified include singing, drawing, animating, playing musical instruments, shooting/editing photos or videos, programming, storytelling, storyboarding, advertising, and writing.

Over the lunch, I happened to meet Mr. Ronald Li, who introduced himself as a futurist. Ronald sent me an email last week, intending to working with me on the project that won a Gold Medal in PECIPTA recently. He possesses experience working in Australia, and now trying to assist individuals in Malaysia to commercialize R&D outputs. I shared the idea of grooming "edupreneurs" in UPSI. He seemed like interested in the idea, so there might be rooms for collaboration.

In practice, TNCPI suggests to jump start the spin off company, probably by placing containers in Sultan Azlan Shah campus. This suggestion echoes what I proposed to my Animation students recently, i.e. replicating what UPM had done. I begin to think about the features of those containers. They would be called "Creative Edu-Containers @ UPSI". There will be power supply, ideally solar power or rain-related energy. Each of the containers will be equipped with high speed WiFi, basic or even repurposed furniture, and computer with freeware.

Perhaps, UERL can work with Students Affairs Department to organize the 1st UPSI Edupreneurs Competition. Top three of the contestants will be working with UERL to establish creative education design and development companies.

I believe this is something we all in UPSI can work out together. Of course, with the students.

Written by,
Dr. Tan Wee Hoe
UERL Deputy Director I

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