Sunday, 1 September 2013

Examples of Education Research Laboratory

A few examples of education research laboratory which were visited by Dr. Tan Wee Hoe during his doctoral study between 2008 and 2011 are featured in this blog post. Herewith the brief reflection of these labs.

The first lab he visited was the International Digital Laboratory which was built under Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), in University of Warwick. He witnessed the opening ceremony of this lab, in which it was officiated by the former Prime Minister, Dr Gordon Brown, who was controlling a pair digital scissors to cut the digital ribbon.

Home page of the Digital Lab. 

The second lab he visited was the London Knowledge Lab. He participated in a seminar in Oct 2008, on 'Computer Games, Access, Disability'. The event was organised by London Games Research Group, Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

The third visited lab is the Serious Games Institute, Coventry University. He used to drive to SGI to meet and discuss with technopreneurs and researchers there. 

At the end of his PhD study, he worked as a consultant for Play2Improve Ptd Ltd, which had its physical presence at the White Space of the University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland. 

With the references and reflection on the above mentioned entities, hopefully UERL could establish itself to become another world class research entity for academics in this region.